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Executive Search

Hiring your next Digital or Commercial Superstar?


Want to work with agile headhunters who will:

  • Find and assess the best candidates for your search?

  • Provide you with market intelligence and salary insights?

  • Save you TIME, MONEY and SANITY?

A-5 Step Process

"HVO Search is excellent at rapidly working through business requirements and, more importantly, at providing creative ideas on how to source them."

Fabrizio Napolitano

Equity Partner, Deloitte Switzerland

Hire with Confidence

At HVO Search we provide executive search services to Consumer, Fashion, Lifestyle, Beauty & Cosmetics companies globally.


We are experts in placing senior Digital and Commercial talent.


Many organisations are only comfortable hiring in their local markets. We help with the daunting task of enticing candidates from other markets and countries and relocating them.


Our clients trust us to understand that each time they search for a senior executive their needs are unique.


The set of skills, experiences, culture fit, values and attitude they are looking for are a special cocktail.


To consistently deliver results we follow a rigorous 5 Step Process.



Schedule a FREE 20 minute consultation call

Specialist Expertise

HVO Search places talent across:

  • CEO, MD, COO, & General Management

  • Digital & E-Commerce

  • Business Development & Sales

  • Strategy & Consulting

  • Marketing (inc digital) 

  • PR, Communications & Social Media

  • Retail Operations

  • HR

  • AI & Robotics

  • Buying, Merchandising & Production

  • Franchising & Licensing

  • Wholesale

5 Step Process

Our business is PEOPLE and people can be highly unpredictable.


Whilst we cannot control candidates, at each stage we seek to understand motivation, attitude and skills, so there are as few surprises as possible.

Modern Stairs

5. Close


Without closing we simply wouldn’t exist.


We build an intimate relationship with both client and candidate to ensure there is an alignment of goals and values for a long partnership.  


We work hard to smoothly negotiate a fair offer & get candidates over the line. 

4. Interview


We conduct interviews using our own bespoke methodology which combines Behavioural Science techniques and competency based questions.


No candidate is ever perfect, so we highlight any red flags from the start and occasionally throw in a "wild card".

2. Identify 


We use our industry knowledge, connections and cutting-edge tech to identify and map potential new candidates.


Our platforms and network include thousands of potential candidates with whom we have been building relationships for the last 18 years.

1. Brief


We developed our in-house method using applied Behavioural Science techniques to get under the skin of the mandate.


We know how to ask the right questions, actively listen and challenge when necessary.

3. Approach


In an age where everyone is visible and accessible, it is harder and harder to engage people.


Our reputation in the industry and bespoke tech allow us to access hard-to-reach candidates who are not yet actively looking, even for confidential projects.

Behavioural Science

Finding the Person You Need 


At HVO Search we put the science in Search. Our training in psychology and focus on best practice leads us to continuously strive for new and progressive ways of enhancing our offering.


We believe that finding someone with the right skills and experience is just the first step in determining whether a candidate is the right fit for your organisation.


For that reason, we use Behavioural Science techniques to determine whether a candidate’s success can actually be replicated.



Behavioural Science uses applied neuroscience and psychology to predict how people are likely to react or behave in a specific work environment.


This provides a more accurate indication of future job performance and a more evidence-based foundation for decision-making.


To find out more about our approach

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